Friday, May 31, 2013

Elder Scroll Online Info Part 2 : Combat, PvP and PvE

This is the second info about upcoming MMO Elder Scroll Online which is combat
It was comfirmed that the game will be in third-person but unsure if first-person will be available or not just like Skyrim.

Elder Scroll Online Info Part 1 : Factions

So this post will show the information about upcoming MMO Elder Scroll Online which said to be released late 2013 .

Expected best MMO of the year


Well as know Elder Scroll Online going to out late 2013 as rumors. It is said this will be going to be a next generation MMO and yeah i agree it.
You see, alot of features and so different than other MMO ever made such as open world (Everyone said its almost like WoW) and you have freedom. Those who play Skyrim will know how it feel to have freedom in game. Still i think this going to be a great game. Imagine fighting together with friend or just kill others XD. Its like Skyrim with alot of player and a bigger map. Oh yeah, the whole Tamriel.